RunningChefRightMed1 RunningChefRightMed

Habanero / [ah-bah-NEH-roh]:
Is a distinctively flavored, extremely hot Chile that is small and lantern-shaped. It's native to the Caribbean, the Yucatan and the north coast of South America. When ripe the habanero ranges from light green to bright orange. It's generally used for sauces in both its fresh and dried form.

Hash / [hash]:
Chopped, cooked meat usually with potatoes and/or other vegetables, that is seasoned, bound with a sauce, and sautéed. Also to chop into small irregular pieces.

Hollandaise / [hol-uhnd-aize]:
A classic emulsion sauce made with a vinegar reduction, egg yolks and melted butter flavored with lemon juice. It is one of the “Grand” sauces.

Homogenization / [huh-moj-uh-nahyz]:
A process used to prevent the milk fat from separating out of milk products. The liquid is forced through an ultra-fine mesh at high pressure, which breaks up fat globules, dispersing them evenly throughout the liquid.

hors d’ouevre / [or durv]:
Literally, “outside the work”. An appetizer.

Hummus / [hoom-uhs]:
Thick Middle Eastern purée of mashed chickpeas seasoned with tahini (sesame paste), garlic. lemon juice, and other varying spices.

Hydroponics / [hahy-druh-pon-iks]:
A technique that involves growing vegetables in nutrient-enriched water rather then soil

Hyssop / [hiis-up]:
Any of various herbs belonging to the mint family with dark green leaves that are aromatic and have a slightly bitter, minty flavor. Hyssop adds unique flavor to salads, fruit dishes, soups and stews. It's also used to flavor certain liqueurs.

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