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Ganache / [guh-nahsh]:
A preparation made of chocolate, heavy cream, and sometimes butter, sugar, and other flavorings. Among other things, it may be used as a sauce, a glaze, a filling, or to make confections. Can range from soft to hard, depending on the ratio of chocolate to cream used.

Garde-manger / [gard-mahn-zhey]:
Pantry chef/station. The position responsible for cold-food preparation, including salads, cold appetizers, pâtés, etc.

Garlic / [gahr-lik]:
A member of the lily family the highly aromatic and strongly flavored edible bulb (called a head) is covered in a papery layer and is composed of several sections (called cloves), each of which is also covered with a papery membrane; used as a distinctive flavoring in cuisines around the world.

Garnish / [gahr-nish]:
An edible decoration or accompaniment to a dish or item.

Gelatin / [jel-uh-tn]:
A protein based substance found in animal bones and connective tissue. When dissolved in hot liquid and then cooled, it can be used as a thickener and stabilizer.

Gherkin / [gur-kin]:
A small pickled cucumber.

Giblets / [jib-lits]:
Organs and other trim from poultry , including the liver, heart, gizzard, and neck used to flavor stock and soups.

Glaze / [gleyz]:
To give an item a shiny surface by brushing it with sauce or icing. For meat, to coat with sauce and then brown in an oven.

Gnocchi / [noh-kee]:
Dumplings made from a paste of flour or potatoes and egg.

Goulash / [goo-lahsh]:
A rich Hungarian stew made of meat, highly seasoned with paprika.

Gratin / [grat-n]:
Cheese and/or bread crumb topping browned in an oven

Grissini / [griss-ee-nee]:
Thin, crisp breadsticks.

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